Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Tale of Two Bots, Part 2

Location: J&M Creations, Nebo

I learned about these bots some time back--"Barbara" at Sunland's camping/freebie store, who has been quizzed by both Pappy Enoch and Beeble Baxter, is one of J&M's early models. These bots are both more limited and lot cheaper than the Daden Robotars.

After teleporting to the shop, I spent some time quizzing "Mirna," the Robotar 2.0 on duty. She works as a sales assistant, and of course I did my best to trip her up--I wish I'd brought Pappy or Beeble along to really jazz things up. They both know how to trip bots up with odd questions. So I tried my best:
Ignatius to Mirna: may I take your photo?
Mirna to Ignatius: Not right now, maybe later.
Ignatius to Mirna: do you always turn to face an avatar?
Mirna to Ignatius: Not always. I have never considered it. I answer a lot of silly questions.
Ignatius to Mirna: what is the silliest question?
Mirna to Ignatius: A lot of people ask me to marry them.
Ignatius to Mirna: did my friend Pappy Enoch ask you to marry him?
Mirna to Ignatius: I'm not certain whether I can give an accurate reply or not.
Ignatius to Mirna: what do you say to people who ask you to marry them?
Mirna to Ignatius: You tell me.
Ignatius to Mirna: I would say no
Mirna to Ignatius: Ah.
I crashed at about this point. Then I logged back in and had some fun:
Ignatius to Mirna: did you miss me?
Mirna to Ignatius: Yes , I've been thinking about you.
Ignatius to Mirna: really? what were you thinking?
Mirna to Ignatius: For real. I was minding my own business.
Ignatius to Mirna: did you miss me?
Mirna to Ignatius: Yes , I've been thinking about you.
Ignatius to Mirna: what?
Mirna to Ignatius: No problem.
Ignatius to Mirna: did you miss me?
Mirna to Ignatius: Yes , I've been thinking about you.
Ignatius to Mirna: thank you for your help
Mirna to Ignatius: You are quite welcome! Your purpose is my help.
So when compared to the Daden Robotars, Mirna is limited. That said, she'd be a fine shop-assistant, notecard-giver, or chat-recorder (all features that the J&M bots offer). It may have been lag, but she seemed to glide, rather than walk, as Daden's Halo could do. Still, for 9000 Linden Dollars, J&M offers a product worth considering.
I just don't think she's ready for a literature simulation. Well, maybe for a Beckett play simulation...Visit J&M and have a look for yourself.

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