Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Show at Olivia's Art Garden

Location: Commerce Sim, Olivia's Art Garden Opening
I'm continually impressed by what I see in the SL artistic community. Sure, we can recreate venues and modes of expression possible in the world of matter, but in SL we can do even more.

Feathers Boa, for instance, creates "fully immersive pieces, interactive digital 'paintings,' giant robots, aesthetically innovative avatars, and full architectural builds." It is amusing to have a painting of a clockwork robot reach out for you as your stroll by.
I'll be back to see more; the exhibit grabbed me in many ways. There's also a feature piece on Boa's artwork in ROLE Magazine.

Kalle Contepomi's "World Downfall 4in frame" and "World downfall 10in frame" impressed me, because I consider post-apocalyptic art one of the most vital forms of expression for our times.
Conempomi juxtaposes images of wreckage with, in "10in frame," an avatar dressed in a festive dress with glowing white go-go boots, It's as if she's just come from a party to find herself at the world's ending.

We need doomsday rubbed in our party-goer faces, because every day our tailpipes, power-plants, car-based civilization, and outsized consumption make the day of reckoning that much closer. But it's hard to wallow in such musings. Maybe such art will spur action, not despair.

This artist's work is not all about the end-times; his "The House" looks like something Wyeth might do on acid...I was actually chilled by the clever composition of this piece.
After Conempomi, I needed a bit of respite, and Olivia's own photographs of natural settings, as well as Lolly Dovgal's black and white photographs brought me back to a modicum of comfort.

Olivia has an eye for old cars, too. I also take junkyard photos, so I had to see her work "Rusty," that captures an old Buick-in-ruins, and "Old Blue," of the sort of old truck I'm always longing to save from perdition.
List of artists showing:

Atomic Gaffer - Sculpture
Balthasar Constantine - Fractal Art
Catriana Ninetails - Original oil and water color
Feathers Boa - with *NEW* reactive art pieces
Friday Karu - Real World painting, photography, and printmaking
Kalle Contepomi - *FEATURED ARTIST* with his dark interpretation of the Apocalypse
Lolly Dovgal - Real World Photography
Lou Laa - Gazebo Build
Olivia Hotshot - Real World Photography (oceans & vehicles)
Zizi Rabeni - Digital Art "Seven Deadly Sins"


  1. Thank you so much for this article! I am thrilled. Thank you kindly Iggy.

  2. Glad you liked my pictures and thanks for the kind words! :-)
