Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Under a Virtual Moon: Animals

Totem Animal Journeying Area: Gaia Rising
Location: Gaia Rising
There's a new activity on Gaia Rising: Animal Totem Journeys with Shambala Kimono. According to her profile, Shambala is "certified in clinical hypnotherapy & energy balancing artist, writer & workshop facilitator." (By the way, I hate the new profiles. They're ugly white basic pages and you can't see Picks or Groups.)

There have been two in-world guided journeys with Shambala and I've missed them both. They happened on Sundays at 10 am and I'm hoping there will be another this Sunday. In the meantime, there is the Animal Totem (or Power Animal) Journey area on Gaia Rising. I tried it out this morning. It's a two-parter: sit in SL and listen over the internet.

I already have two power animals as friends and was not joined by a third on this journey. It was a good journey and I enjoyed visiting with my animals. I don't know if I'm supposed to tell you what or who they are. I've never asked them. Apparently, I'd rather not say.

During the journey I also visited my teacher and was greeted by a second. Gifts were exchanged. At the moment I'm working on a Tarot layout given to me by my first teacher which he named "The Spreading Oak." Each time I see this teacher I get another piece of instruction on how the layout works.

The first teacher I address as "Shaman" and the second one, new to me today, looks like a Hermit from the Tarot deck. However, I recognized him as an energy that has been with me for a very long time indeed. I followed Shambala's promptings to ask certain questions and received excellent answers from "The Hermit."

In my next posts, I plan to show you more of the self-guided areas of Gaia Rising. There's quite a few of them and they focus on assorted neo-pagan topics. Those of you who are time-challenged (like I am) will be able to participate on your time.

Group Events
Coming up tonight is the United Healers of Second Life Full Moon/Ostara ritual at 6 PM in Ravenhart (contact ConnieJean Maven) and the Anam Turas Healing Circle at 7 PM on Clear Bear Ridge (Gaia Rising - contact Enchantress Sao). Aoife Lorefeld will be leading a discussion on the April new moon on March 31st at 6PM at Poet's Rock (Gaia Rising).

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