Thursday, June 30, 2011

Facebook's UI and Second Life

Location: Facebook Account

The user interface is laggy at peak times, even on a fast connection. The ability to customize it is so limited that several Facebook users have recommended third-party products to improve my social networking experience.

This all sounds very familiar, doesn't it?

A couple of months in with Facebook, I can only say that I like it because it let me re-introduce myself to a few old friends with whom I've lost touch. I'm going to have a beer with one of them as soon as we can agree on a day and time.

On the other hand, I get a lot of spam from folks who know me and think I actually care about the little happenings of their daily lives. So other than the "stay in touch with old friends" business, what is the appeal?

Now that Google has launched Google+, its latest attempt at a social networking tool, one wonders how much traction it will get. Facebook enjoys the sort of reputation that Second Life 2006. That can, of course, change quickly, as the former owners of MySpace discovered.

We'll see how Google does...ah, yes. Just blocked the FB apps "smiles" and "causes." I can smile in person and am involved in several environmental causes already.


  1. I suppose by now you've also discovered how to turn off those pesky game notifications. Oh, and how to turn off a friend's notifications completely. (For those who provide a news blast for every little thing.)

  2. Yes, I'm going to become a Facebook ascetic. Your status updates at FB, however, have never been annoying!

  3. It's going to be interesting how well Google+ does in the coming months.

    Facebook for SL is alright for me at the moment.
