Friday, May 3, 2013

The Silence of the Blogs

Location: Blogroll

It's not just this blog that has become quieter. I've noted that Lalo Telling, Tateru Nino, and several other writers who focused primarily on virtual worlds have dropped off my radar. Tateru tweets, and some others post far less frequently than even a year ago.

Is that merely the drift of writers' interest away from virtual worlds? Or has blogging about this topic, generally, ebbed as interest and land-mass in Second Life have ebbed?

Did some in education who were grad students stop blogging as their career needs became a necessary priority?

There are clearly more blogs I should follow. After posting a first draft of this post, I did a quick Google Search and found that Daniel Voyager noted, in December last year, that Lalo's real-life typist passed away. Pity. He was a gifted writer.

One thing for certain: it's gotten a lot quieter around here.


  1. I'm certainly quieter at "Oh!VirtualLearning!" these days. Mainly I use it to announce the "Blog-o'-the-Month" at ISTE SIGVE in Second Life. But we'll be cranking up some interesting stuff at ISTE2013 in San Antonio this summer with the Virtual Environments Playground. Hope you will come out of retirement to visit with us at anytime

  2. Scott, I'll continue blogging about tech and education here, with an emphasis on virtual worlds plus my usual history-of-technology slant.

    It's possible that before retirement I'll teach the first-year seminar again with SL and The House of Usher simulation. If so, I will incorporate more changes suggested by students this semester. Stay tuned for their advice. Some of it about immersion is very canny and offers important lessons to educators.

  3. I still see action at Living in a Modemworld:

    My own blog barely makes a peep, but I change the blog design occasionally:

  4. Thanks for the blog mention and I agree it was a big loss for SL last year when Lalo Telling died. I was in shock and crying for many days after.

    I followed Lalo Telling's blog for many years and the historical part was must interesting.

    Tateru Nino blog has been very quiet lately and its really worrying because Tateru has great things to talk about Second Life.

    Mine, Living in a Modemworld, NWN and many others are still here reporting on all things SL. :)
