Location: Jokaydia Grid, House of Usher Site
Putting up walls and improving textures I made for Second Life is fine, but it's almost the Witching Hour and I want our haunts to work!
I was able to recompile the scripts that worked in SL for the new grid. Copy/paste did NOT cut it.
But now we have our ghosts again, and more are on the way...it's a Poe story, after all.
Happy Halloween!
Can't wait to check out the ghosts!
Do you need any skulls for your build? Yesterda someone left an awesome sculpty skull on my fireplace in my lodge on Pathlandia. It's a freebie, so feel free to visit and take a copy if you need it.
Thank you; just what the body-snatching doctor ordered! I'll be by to get a copy of the skull soon. I'm covering Jokaydia Grid for the next issue of Prim Perfect, and I'd like to photograph your sim. I'll pick up a skull while I'm over there :)
We had the ghosts evoke in SL by touching or nearing certain prims, in one case a skull.
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