Location: Out and About in Third Rock Grid
Big thanks to Margaret Dashwood (3RG; Margaret Michalski in SL) for organizing a successful outing to this OpenSim grid. Nearly 30 of us attended, including several 3RG residents who just dropped in, after seeing a crowd form.
According to Margaret, this sort of close community (I met one of the grid organizers, who helped orient newcomers) typifies 3RG.
I found the world to be among the most stable of the OpenSim worlds I've visited, and for the first time ever, I was able to port content I created between worlds. This way, Iggy Strangeland has his namesake's virtual sunglasses made in Reaction Grid. I had some problems resizing worn prims, but that's not a fatal flaw and I'm sure OpenSim worlds will solve this problem.
We had a good chat with our group, though several participants did crash. We then toured some of the builds that Margaret has done in Third Rock Grid, and I was pleased to see how it offers megaprims and free uploads: features appealing to educators and not possible in Second Life.
The only problem with Third Rock Grid is that I keep calling it "Third Stone Grid," because I spent more time with Jimi Hendrix than I did with the sitcom (or any TV, for that matter).
I've posted our chat transcript with a few other photos.
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